By Christine Russo
When do we, as mamas who choose to carry to birth, know when
to tell people about our precious child's ill fate? It's such a confusing and
sometimes uncomfortable discussion to have, and most of the time we're
blindsided by it. "Oh look at your sweet belly! When are you due?" Or
"Is it a boy or a girl? Are you so excited??" Or "You're
probably so ready and buying tons of cute clothes!" Well-meaning sweet
people all wanting to know about our growing bumps are potential emotional land
mines in a day out running errands, potential triggers that could cause us to
lose it at any moment. We can't blame them, they don't know any better. I
was once as blissfully unaware as they. Completely innocent and naive to the
world of fatal diagnoses in the womb as so many are.
There were days I would show off my belly and just beg
people in my mind to talk about my pregnancy. On those good days, I wanted any
chance to talk about my precious girl. Those were such beautiful times and I
cherish those memories. Then there were my bad days when I would try to hide my
belly (as much as I could after week 18) and avoided any situation where
someone might say something because I knew on those days, I would break down. I
remember how hard it was for me to know when was the 'appropriate time' to tell
someone new about Gianna and sometimes it led to me secluding myself.
There were situations where I had to lie; I had to pretend
everything was perfect. And boy did those conversations eat away at my soul. Slowly
chipping away at the small amount of innocence I had left. It always left me
feeling not only sad, but a little bitter. Bitter in knowing what SHOULD have
been with my dear Gianna. Once on a bad day, I encountered a woman at a party who
didn't know our daughters diagnosis and wouldn't let my pregnancy go. I tried
to be short and to the point with my answers (which was horrible because I
should be so incredibly excited about my girl) but she always came back to talk
more. Finally I knew I had to say something because even people around me who
knew looked uncomfortable. I finally said, "I'm so sorry, but she isn't
expected to make it after birth." The poor woman looked humiliated. I was
humiliated and could feel the hot tears about to flow. So I ran. I ran upstairs,
hid in the bathroom and cried. It ended up fine, but it's so hard to go through
when you're ready to break at any moment.
I eventually came to a point where I was comfortable with my
own tears and feelings. I came to the realization after speaking with several
bereaved mommies who have been there before that it's ok to let your real
emotions out, even with strangers. Sometimes, grief needs to be witnessed to be
healed and, although it didn't help me 'heal' while I was carrying, it made my
heart happy to share about Gianna in an honest way. Now I look at those hard
moments as things Gianna and I conquered together. She gave me all the strength
I needed to get through those hard times. She made sure I was a brave mommy.
It's about whatever YOU are feeling in that moment, there
are no right and wrong ways to handle these encounters. Whatever you need to do
that day, whether it be hiding out or sharing your precious baby with the
world, then do it. Stay true to your feelings and ride those waves of emotions
because in the end, this is the only time we get with our angels. Be gentle and
understanding with yourself.
~ ~ ~
Christine Russo
is a wife to an amazing, supportive husband, and a mommy to Angel Gianna Marie,
her first and only child. She carried Gianna after receiving a fatal diagnosis
halfway into her pregnancy. Through the love and spirit of their special
daughter, who means the world to them, they wish to help support other families
who have to say goodbye to a piece of their heart.
You sharing all this will most certainly help others. Others who have been in your shoes and others like me who have not. I would think, or hope, people can pay more when that conversation was happening, maybe someone more "in tune" with their senses, may have noted something was wrong and just stopped. I don't know. Much love to all the angels and mommies of angels!